I woke up this morning with a song in my head. "I'm Going to Sex on You So Hard" by the Sophisticated Brutes. Is that what it's called? Someone help me out.We made Christmas cards at Liz's last night. We were getting together anyway, and Liz had started a batch of cards earlier in the week.
I brought stamps and crayons and colored paper. Tony wasn't interested in arts and crafts, but promised to meet up with us later.
We went to Michael's and bought supplies. I bought blank cards and some rubber cement. Michelle bought an ink pad. Liz bought two decoder kits.
We went back to Liz's house and started drinking. Tony came over with some beer. We went out for Cornish pasties. The creative juices started flowing.
We made cards, but mostly we talked. The floor became littered with alphabet stamps and torn paper. At one point, I quit making cards and asked Liz to help me edit some video footage. We talked while the footage loaded.
I finally packed up my cards and went home at 2.
The Sophisticated Brutes are my favorite!!